Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Analysing elements of integrated marketing communication

Analysing elements of integrated marketing communication In the past, the various elements of marketing communication mix were handled by experts in the relevant areas and regarded as separate functions. For example, sales department managed its selling activities independently; advertising campaigns conduct by advertising agencies whereas the sponsorship and direct marketing are conduct by specialists or consultants in these areas. Obviously, it can lead to frequently inconsistent and uncoordinated. Therefore, to change this situation to be better, integrated marketing communication should be implementing. There are some factors of implementing the IMC which are significant political and social changes, rapid technological development, and the empowerment of consumers. All these powerful forces have all contributed to creating a business climate in which marketers can no longer afford to ‘dictate’ to their target audience. Hence, marketers should learn to adapt with the new environment because marketing landscape has much ch anged over the last decade. It is an environment where consumers are able to evaluate the offers being made to them and to decide more independently how to satisfy their requirements. Consumers are more selective where they will ensure that the company provides what and when they want it. Thus, this has lead to significant changes in the way marketers promote their product offerings to consumers. So, we can say that the era of IMC is very important to company. DEFINITION OF KEY TERMS Integrated means that combine or coordinate separate elements so as to provide a harmonious, interrelated whole. In other word, when all marketing communication tool work together, it will be more effective than work as a single component. It will create more competitive advantages, boost sales and profit, while saving cost, time and stress if this concept is incorporated in marketing strategy. So, if the marketing communication tools are combined as a group it will produce more powerful outcome in the process of delivering customer superior value. Marketing The root word for marketing is market. Market is defined as a place for consumer and sellers to carry out transaction that required cash as an exchange medium for obtaining a product or service. Marketing can be defined in two perspectives which include old view or new view of marketing. From the new view of marketing, it is all about the creation of superior value for customers and building strong customer relationship in order to capture value and feedback from customer. It is different from old views of marketing which focus only on process of selling and telling the product to target market. Communication In  general, communication is defined  as  a  process of transmitting information and meaning from sender to receiver  either  in  verbal  or  nonverbal no matter it is occurred in a group or interpersonal.   This  process of communication  is considered successful if the receiver understanding inf ormation or message conveyed by the sender. There are two types of communication which is verbal communication and non verbal communication. Verbal communication includes written and oral presentation while non verbal communication includes an overall body language of the person which included the body posture, gesture and facial expressions. In marketing perspective, communication is defined as a process by which persuasive information is transmitted as promotional messages through one or more channels such as print, radio, television, direct mail, and personal selling.

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